Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Fielding graduate Kathie Court publishes article in the International Journal of Business and Social Science

Mapping the economic contribution of women entrepreneurs -- Kathie Court

The purpose of this research was to discover and describe the economic contribution of one group of women entrepreneurs to their communities. The research participants were women who had graduated from a Microenterprise Assistance Program (MEP). There was no differentiation among women by age, race, or ethnicity. This study was designed using an interdisciplinary approach. The theoretical landscape that underpins this research includes economic geography, women entrepreneurs, and entrepreneurship. This exploratory data analysis generated questions for future research. This research provided a geographic representation of the dispersion and volume of the self-reported business expenses of women entrepreneurs located in one geographic area. In addition, this research developed and examined the viability of an assessment tool that maps the business payments made by entrepreneurs.

Key Words: women entrepreneurs, microenterprise assistance programs, geographic information systems (gis), economic geography

The purpose of this research was to discover and describe using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) the economic contribution of one group of women entrepreneurs to their communities. The research participants were low resource and recently laid-off women who had graduated from a Microenterprise Assistance Program (MEP). MEPs are non-profit organizations that provide training, support, and microloans to low-income people, ethnic and racial minorities, and women. The article is based on my Fielding dissertation entitled Mapping the economic contribution of women entrepreneurs has been published in the International Journal of Business and Social Science, Volume 3 Number 1 (publication date: January 2012). It is available at:

Court, K. (2012). Mapping the economic contribution of women entrepreneurs. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(1).

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