Catherine Seo, School of Psychology
Body image dissatisfaction is a significant and painful issue for women, that comes with high costs that include physical and emotional health, self-esteem, and economic impact. There are few interventions that have helped. Current research indicates meditation can help. This research advances that research to shed light on whether Mindfulness Meditation (MM) and Innate Compassion Training (ICT), a form of Loving Kindness Meditation (LKM) from the Tibetan tradition, can help build self-compassion and improve body image. One hundred eighty-six women were recruited and received one of three meditation interventions (MM, ICT, BI/Control) to determine whether (a) MM, ICT, or BI/Control improves the five outcomes measured; (b) MM and ICT improve the five outcomes more than BI/Control; and (c) ICT improves the five outcomes more than MM. Women were recruited to complete all measures as a pre-test, randomized to participate in online MM, ICT, or BI/Control conditions, and asked to complete all measures in a post-test after completion of intervention. In all conditions, all outcomes improved from pre-test to post-test. MM and ICT did not improve outcomes more than BI/Control, and ICT did not improve outcomes more than MM. In conclusion, all conditions improved outcomes, so it is likely that meditation could have a positive impact on body image satisfaction. Due to attrition, we were unable to generate enough power to test for group differences, which should be remedied by future research.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
The Toyota Production System (TPS)Theories-In-Action and Lean Implementation Theories-In-Action: A contrast In Maximization of Human Potential
School of Human and Organizational Development, Jody Bicking
Thousands of companies have tried to emulate the Toyota Production System (TPS), through the concept of Lean manufacturing, resulting in disappointment or failure. Case studies have identified broad causal factors such as leadership actions, lack of overall skills, and “cherry-‐ picking” TPS techniques, instead of embracing them in the spirit and mindset intended. This research sought to identify the collective mindset, which enables Toyota to effectively apply TPS, when others cannot. The findings provide insight into pre-‐requisites of Lean implementation. Such knowledge benefits companies desiring to embrace continuous improvement thinking into the fabric of their culture and consultants concerned with “how”. The research began by exploring the similarities and differences between Lean implementation theories-‐in-‐action and TPS theories-‐in-‐action. A triangulated
approach using case studies, q-‐sort methodology, and survey was employed. Participants in the q-‐sort and survey came from 2 sources. The first, a company that has attempted to implement Lean practice more than once with disappointing results. The second source, a team of Toyota employees from their Erlanger, KY plant. Comparisons yielded 3 important findings. First, Toyota responses indicate a willingness and commitment to challenge the status quo at, every level; not evident in the other company. Second, a definite lack of understanding the underlying purpose of Lean and the tools was apparent in the non-‐Toyota organization. Third, the method of organizational learning employed by Toyota has a different focus than the non-‐ Toyota organization. The findings indicate pre-‐requisite organizational characteristics, necessary for successful implementation of Lean, exist. A CAS perspective, openness to collaborative, non-‐defensive, reflection within Toyota far exceeds the non-‐Toyota company. Further investigation on how to foster collaborative reflection among teams,
organizations, and society is warranted and could enable positive social change.
approach using case studies, q-‐sort methodology, and survey was employed. Participants in the q-‐sort and survey came from 2 sources. The first, a company that has attempted to implement Lean practice more than once with disappointing results. The second source, a team of Toyota employees from their Erlanger, KY plant. Comparisons yielded 3 important findings. First, Toyota responses indicate a willingness and commitment to challenge the status quo at, every level; not evident in the other company. Second, a definite lack of understanding the underlying purpose of Lean and the tools was apparent in the non-‐Toyota organization. Third, the method of organizational learning employed by Toyota has a different focus than the non-‐ Toyota organization. The findings indicate pre-‐requisite organizational characteristics, necessary for successful implementation of Lean, exist. A CAS perspective, openness to collaborative, non-‐defensive, reflection within Toyota far exceeds the non-‐Toyota company. Further investigation on how to foster collaborative reflection among teams,
organizations, and society is warranted and could enable positive social change.
Looking at Challenging Behavior Through a Different Lens: An Implementation Science Approach
School of Educational Leadership, Mary C. McLennan
This study addressed the problem of how to effectively implement a systems-wide approach to address challenging behavior in young children. It specifically addressed the gap between science and practice as it relates to addressing challenging behavior. This research focused on the children of rural migrant workers in rural California who attended a Migrant Head Start program. To address challenging behavior, a researcher and early childhood educators used a collaborative integration of implementation science and evaluation science to evaluate the implementation of Program-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PW-PBIS), and the fidelity rate of the intervention PW-PBIS. The analysis of the data illustrated the interplay between the implementation and the intervention and the outcome of the PW-PBIS intervention. We used the Active Implementation Framework, and the context, input, process, and product (CIPP) evaluation model to guide the implementation of PW-PBIS, as well as the evaluation of the implementation.
This study addressed the problem of how to effectively implement a systems-wide approach to address challenging behavior in young children. It specifically addressed the gap between science and practice as it relates to addressing challenging behavior. This research focused on the children of rural migrant workers in rural California who attended a Migrant Head Start program. To address challenging behavior, a researcher and early childhood educators used a collaborative integration of implementation science and evaluation science to evaluate the implementation of Program-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PW-PBIS), and the fidelity rate of the intervention PW-PBIS. The analysis of the data illustrated the interplay between the implementation and the intervention and the outcome of the PW-PBIS intervention. We used the Active Implementation Framework, and the context, input, process, and product (CIPP) evaluation model to guide the implementation of PW-PBIS, as well as the evaluation of the implementation.
Our commitment to implement PW-PBIS with fidelity and with implementation fidelity (quality assurance and quality improvement) moved beyond investigating what interventions worked, to investigating the processes that support the implementation, fidelity, and sustainability of PW-PBIS to ensure positive outcomes for children with challenging behavior. The quality assurance and quality improvement processes worked by collecting and utilizing data to monitor and evaluate performance against the established PW-PBIS benchmarks. This support helped to create incentives to implement PW-PBIS and to improve the implementation of PW-PBIS. As a result of a continuous, iterative, and interactive evaluation of the quantity and quality of implementation of PWPBIS, there was evidence of high fidelity rate of PW-PBIS, effective implementation of PW-PBIS resulting in few incidences of challenging behavior, and early educators rethinking their views on challenging behavior.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Variation in Beliefs about Social Justice by Ethnicity, Gender, and Income at Fielding Graduate University
Hoffman, T., Metivier, J., Turner, R., Elliot, A., Wong, T., Dennis, C., Ives, N., Vivian, J., Newton, R. & Osherson, S.
How much does variation in social demographic variables influence attitudes towards social justice? The Fielding website states that students should be committed to social justice. Our survey of almost 200 Fielding students indicates, in fact, a very high commitment to social justice, although attitudes vary according to demographic variables.
We found significant differences in ethnicity, gender, and income, indicating that African American Fielding students report greater commitment to social justice action than Caucasian students. Research also indicated that the African American sample was more traditional and more conservative in their political attitudes than Caucasians. Similarly, African American female Fielding students were more committed to social justice than all other groups. Differences among ethnicities in attitudes toward social justice were unconnected to income. However, there was a small but significant inverse correlation between income and commitment to social justice.
How much does variation in social demographic variables influence attitudes towards social justice? The Fielding website states that students should be committed to social justice. Our survey of almost 200 Fielding students indicates, in fact, a very high commitment to social justice, although attitudes vary according to demographic variables.
We found significant differences in ethnicity, gender, and income, indicating that African American Fielding students report greater commitment to social justice action than Caucasian students. Research also indicated that the African American sample was more traditional and more conservative in their political attitudes than Caucasians. Similarly, African American female Fielding students were more committed to social justice than all other groups. Differences among ethnicities in attitudes toward social justice were unconnected to income. However, there was a small but significant inverse correlation between income and commitment to social justice.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Heutagogy in Oncology Nursing: The Experience of Nurses, and the Factors that Facilitate and Hinder Self-Determined Learning
School of Educational Leadership for Change, Charissa Cordon
Heutagogy is defined as self-determined learning and is an extension of andragogy (Blaschke, 2012; Hase & Kenyon, 2001). It is a learner-centered approach that blends various concepts related to adult learning, double-loop learning, reflective practice, and complexity theory. Nurses are already engaging in this type of learning, however, no published research exists that has explored heutagogy in nursing, using complexity science as a framework. The purpose of this qualitative descriptive study was to explore how oncology nurses were engaging in heutagogy and to understand the factors that facilitated and hindered self-determined learning. I interviewed 13 point-of-care oncology nurses working in a quaternary cancer institution. Data were analyzed using the constant comparative method. Complexity theory was used as a framework. Nurses provided examples of their engagement with heutagogy. The most frequently identified reason for engaging in heutagogy was to keep their knowledge and skills current in order to provide good care to their patients. Participants in this study pursued learning based on their preferred learning style, their existing commitments, and their lifestyle. One of the most frequent factors that either enabled or constrained nurses from engaging in heutagogy was time. Participants also indicated that their previous experiences with self-determined learning were helpful in their subsequent experiences, as they learned about their preferred learning methods and became more confident as learners. Finally, participants indicated that by engaging in heutagogy, they were able to problem solve in new and unfamiliar situations. In order for nurses to effectively apply heutagogy, this approach must be embedded in undergraduate and graduate nursing programs. Nurse leaders play a fundamental role in supporting nurses with their engagement in heutagogy. Improving access to continuing education programs and investing in preceptorship programs are a few strategies for nurse leaders to support nurses with heutagogy. Finally, it would be beneficial to conduct action research in heutagogy to better understand the transformational learning that is occurring for the learner, but more importantly, to better understand how to effectively apply heutagogical approaches to work-based learning in nursing.
Heutagogy is defined as self-determined learning and is an extension of andragogy (Blaschke, 2012; Hase & Kenyon, 2001). It is a learner-centered approach that blends various concepts related to adult learning, double-loop learning, reflective practice, and complexity theory. Nurses are already engaging in this type of learning, however, no published research exists that has explored heutagogy in nursing, using complexity science as a framework. The purpose of this qualitative descriptive study was to explore how oncology nurses were engaging in heutagogy and to understand the factors that facilitated and hindered self-determined learning. I interviewed 13 point-of-care oncology nurses working in a quaternary cancer institution. Data were analyzed using the constant comparative method. Complexity theory was used as a framework. Nurses provided examples of their engagement with heutagogy. The most frequently identified reason for engaging in heutagogy was to keep their knowledge and skills current in order to provide good care to their patients. Participants in this study pursued learning based on their preferred learning style, their existing commitments, and their lifestyle. One of the most frequent factors that either enabled or constrained nurses from engaging in heutagogy was time. Participants also indicated that their previous experiences with self-determined learning were helpful in their subsequent experiences, as they learned about their preferred learning methods and became more confident as learners. Finally, participants indicated that by engaging in heutagogy, they were able to problem solve in new and unfamiliar situations. In order for nurses to effectively apply heutagogy, this approach must be embedded in undergraduate and graduate nursing programs. Nurse leaders play a fundamental role in supporting nurses with their engagement in heutagogy. Improving access to continuing education programs and investing in preceptorship programs are a few strategies for nurse leaders to support nurses with heutagogy. Finally, it would be beneficial to conduct action research in heutagogy to better understand the transformational learning that is occurring for the learner, but more importantly, to better understand how to effectively apply heutagogical approaches to work-based learning in nursing.
Keywords: self-determined learning, heutagogy, oncology nursing, continuing education, lifelong learning, complexity theory, complex-adaptive system
School of Psychology, Patricia Gingras
The purpose of this study is to determine if reality health television shows cultivate higher levels of anxiety among viewers; particularly those with heightened concerns about their wellness. This idea arose from observations in my clinical practice. I have witnessed many patients presenting with anxiety symptoms that are manifested by constant rumination and worry about having developed a specific health problem. People prone to health anxiety have the tendency to misinterpret health information received from reality television programming as evidence that they either have or are at risk for developing a serious illness. While there are ample research articles that review medical drama television shows, the literature is sparse when it comes to examining health talk television programming.
A qualitative research study was conducted using semi-structured interviews with 11 upper management employees employed by a large Canadian service company. The employees belong to a highly diversified social-cultural Canadian subgroup. Participants offer a cross range of marital status, ethical backgrounds, age and gender. Interviews were analysed using categorical content analysis to reveal eight main themes. Primary findings suggest that socio-cognitive factors such as behaviour, cognitive, personal factors and environmental all interact with each other, thus defining how one interprets health media content. This interaction, which accounts for how individuals control their thoughts, feelings and actions, is unique to every individual. Four dominant cognitions have been demonstrated to be correlated with the development of health anxiety: (1) the perceived likelihood of contracting or having an illness, (2) perceived awfulness of having an illness, (3) perceived inability to cope with illness, and (4) perceived inadequacy of medical resources for treating illness. Personal factors may also contribute to one’s health anxiety and the sick role. For example, individual personality traits will also have an influence on one’s perception of health vulnerability. Individuals who score high on Neuroticism have the tendency to worry about their health Bowlby’s attachment theory identifies dominant environmental influences. Of the three basic attachment patterns: secure, avoidant, and ambivalent styles, insecure attachment style can lead to a low level self efficiency and an anxious avoidance style when dealing with health issues and doctors. Self efficiency level determines one’s resiliency and ability to not overreact and panic about the risk messages depicted on health reality television shows. An individual’s efficacy is grounded in the belief they are capable of having the ability to exert control over the events that affect their lives. A participant’s experience of a major illness did not correlate to one developing health anxiety.
Keywords: anxiety, cultivate, social cognitive factors, personality traits, health talk television, attachments styles, self-efficacy
The purpose of this study is to determine if reality health television shows cultivate higher levels of anxiety among viewers; particularly those with heightened concerns about their wellness. This idea arose from observations in my clinical practice. I have witnessed many patients presenting with anxiety symptoms that are manifested by constant rumination and worry about having developed a specific health problem. People prone to health anxiety have the tendency to misinterpret health information received from reality television programming as evidence that they either have or are at risk for developing a serious illness. While there are ample research articles that review medical drama television shows, the literature is sparse when it comes to examining health talk television programming.
A qualitative research study was conducted using semi-structured interviews with 11 upper management employees employed by a large Canadian service company. The employees belong to a highly diversified social-cultural Canadian subgroup. Participants offer a cross range of marital status, ethical backgrounds, age and gender. Interviews were analysed using categorical content analysis to reveal eight main themes. Primary findings suggest that socio-cognitive factors such as behaviour, cognitive, personal factors and environmental all interact with each other, thus defining how one interprets health media content. This interaction, which accounts for how individuals control their thoughts, feelings and actions, is unique to every individual. Four dominant cognitions have been demonstrated to be correlated with the development of health anxiety: (1) the perceived likelihood of contracting or having an illness, (2) perceived awfulness of having an illness, (3) perceived inability to cope with illness, and (4) perceived inadequacy of medical resources for treating illness. Personal factors may also contribute to one’s health anxiety and the sick role. For example, individual personality traits will also have an influence on one’s perception of health vulnerability. Individuals who score high on Neuroticism have the tendency to worry about their health Bowlby’s attachment theory identifies dominant environmental influences. Of the three basic attachment patterns: secure, avoidant, and ambivalent styles, insecure attachment style can lead to a low level self efficiency and an anxious avoidance style when dealing with health issues and doctors. Self efficiency level determines one’s resiliency and ability to not overreact and panic about the risk messages depicted on health reality television shows. An individual’s efficacy is grounded in the belief they are capable of having the ability to exert control over the events that affect their lives. A participant’s experience of a major illness did not correlate to one developing health anxiety.
Keywords: anxiety, cultivate, social cognitive factors, personality traits, health talk television, attachments styles, self-efficacy
Thursday, November 12, 2015
A Mixed Methods Inquiry into Teachers Willingness and or Ability to Implement Accommodations in the Classroom
Implementing classroom accommodations for children diagnosed with a mental health disorder is often vital for student achievement, but implementing those accommodations can often be difficult and daunting for many teachers-especially those who have low expectations for classroom behavior (Ohan, 2008). Previous research has indicated that teachers’ perceptions of the efficacy of a particular intervention are positively related to the overall implementation and efficacy of the intervention (Eckert & Hintze, 2000; Wilson & Jennings, 1996). Understanding teacher motivation and perceptions involves a multifaceted approach that includes the examination of intrinsic motivational factors factors, values, and self-efficacy. Teachers may have valuable classroom experience and expertise that are helpful in guiding effective treatment plans and interventions that are often important components in student achievement.
A larger research project conducted by this team in the area of teachers’ perceptions of psychological recommendations found that neither teachers’ perceptions of the necessity for the successful implementation of psychological recommendations, nor the clarity of the psychological report were influenced by the student’s diagnostic type (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [ADHD] versus Oppositional Defiant Disorder [ODD]). Preliminary data supported the notion that the type of mental health diagnosis does not affect teachers’ perceptions about their ability to provide classroom accommodations and or modifications based on diagnosis. The results of this study also produced findings that were inconsistent with previous research (Ruble et al., 2011) in the area of teacher self-efficacy and experience (Harris, Norton, Emick, Hubbard, 2013).
Researchers for the current project sought to understand teachers’ perceptions toward implementing classroom accommodations for students suffering from ADHD and ODD. A second goal was to better understand other factors that may impact or influence teachers’ perceptions of challenges related to implementing accommodations and modifications for children with behavioral disorders in the classroom via qualitative responses, as there is a limited amount of research on the topic.

Researchers for the current project sought to understand teachers’ perceptions toward implementing classroom accommodations for students suffering from ADHD and ODD. A second goal was to better understand other factors that may impact or influence teachers’ perceptions of challenges related to implementing accommodations and modifications for children with behavioral disorders in the classroom via qualitative responses, as there is a limited amount of research on the topic.
Monday, November 9, 2015
Heutagogy in Oncology Nursing: The Experience of Nurses and the Factors That Facilitate Self-Determined Learning
Charissa Cordon, RN, M N, CON(C), EdD (cand)
Heutagogy is defined as self-determined learning, and is an extension of andragogy (Blaschke, 2012; Hase & Kenyon, 2001). It is a learner-centered approach that blends various concepts related to adult learning, double-loop learning, reflective practice and complexity theory. Nurses are already engaging in this type of learning, however, no research exists that has explored heutagogy in nursing, using complexity science as a framework.
The purpose of this qualitative descriptive study was to explore how oncology nurses were engaging in heutagogy, and to understand the factors that facilitated and hindered self-determined learning. Thirteen point-of-care oncology nurses working in a quaternary cancer institution were interviewed. Data were analyzed using the constant comparative method. Complexity Theory was used as a framework in this study.
According to participants, they engaged in self-determined learning to keep their knowledge and skills current in order to provide good care to their patients. The most frequent factor that either enabled or constrained nurses from engaging in heutagogy was time. Participants also indicated that their previous experiences with self-determined learning helped them in later experiences, as they developed learning skills and they became more confident learners.
Implications for nursing education include embedding heutagogy in undergraduate and graduate nursing programs. Nurse leaders play a fundamental role in supporting heutagogy for nurses by improving access to continuing education and preceptorship programs. Finally, more research in this area is needed to understand the transformational learning that is occurring for the learner, and determine effective application of heutagogy in work-based learning for nurses.
Heutagogy is defined as self-determined learning, and is an extension of andragogy (Blaschke, 2012; Hase & Kenyon, 2001). It is a learner-centered approach that blends various concepts related to adult learning, double-loop learning, reflective practice and complexity theory. Nurses are already engaging in this type of learning, however, no research exists that has explored heutagogy in nursing, using complexity science as a framework.
The purpose of this qualitative descriptive study was to explore how oncology nurses were engaging in heutagogy, and to understand the factors that facilitated and hindered self-determined learning. Thirteen point-of-care oncology nurses working in a quaternary cancer institution were interviewed. Data were analyzed using the constant comparative method. Complexity Theory was used as a framework in this study.
According to participants, they engaged in self-determined learning to keep their knowledge and skills current in order to provide good care to their patients. The most frequent factor that either enabled or constrained nurses from engaging in heutagogy was time. Participants also indicated that their previous experiences with self-determined learning helped them in later experiences, as they developed learning skills and they became more confident learners.
Implications for nursing education include embedding heutagogy in undergraduate and graduate nursing programs. Nurse leaders play a fundamental role in supporting heutagogy for nurses by improving access to continuing education and preceptorship programs. Finally, more research in this area is needed to understand the transformational learning that is occurring for the learner, and determine effective application of heutagogy in work-based learning for nurses.
Friday, November 6, 2015
Role of Climate Perceptions in Predicting School Outcomes and Distress
A.J. Ormerod, O. Alabi, L. Bolt, S. Connell, S. Glass, G. Moore, and S. Palmer
The current study investigated the relative contributions of peer sexual harassment, student perceptions about a school climate that tolerates the sexual harassment of girls, and climate perceptions about the harassment of boys to predicting psychological distress, perceptions of personal safety while at school, and withdrawal from school. Dominance analysis supported that of the three predictors for high school boys’ outcomes, climate perceptions about whether school officials are responsive to girls’ complaints about sexual harassment were relatively most important. For high school girls, direct experiences of peer sexual harassment and climate perceptions about school tolerance of the harassment of girls were relatively most important to explaining outcomes. Climate perceptions that one’s school tolerates the harassment of boys were relatively least important to all outcomes for high school boys and girls.
The current study investigated the relative contributions of peer sexual harassment, student perceptions about a school climate that tolerates the sexual harassment of girls, and climate perceptions about the harassment of boys to predicting psychological distress, perceptions of personal safety while at school, and withdrawal from school. Dominance analysis supported that of the three predictors for high school boys’ outcomes, climate perceptions about whether school officials are responsive to girls’ complaints about sexual harassment were relatively most important. For high school girls, direct experiences of peer sexual harassment and climate perceptions about school tolerance of the harassment of girls were relatively most important to explaining outcomes. Climate perceptions that one’s school tolerates the harassment of boys were relatively least important to all outcomes for high school boys and girls.
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